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Create Your Dream Timetable

Specify all your K-12 school scheduling requirements in minutes and get the best timetable automatically.

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Empowering Educators

Running school is hard but scheduling should be EASY!

As you improve the school experience for students and teachers, the scheduling becomes harder and complex. SchoolPivot makes it easy and gives the best experience!

  • Intuitive school planning language for teachers
  • Don't repeat! Subjects, teachers, and rules at scale
  • Change criteria in minutes and get new timetable
  • Handle 100s of teachers, subjects, and student groups
  • Best timetable everytime automatically for all schedules
Easy and Intuitive. Routine maker, timetabler, school routine or timetabler, K-12 school scheduler, 
                             master scheduler, elective management, teacher assignment, scheduling, joint class, multi-period

Personalize instructions and manage staff.

Educational excellence requires constant innovation providing individualized education and increased access. Try new learning models in our intuitive timetable requirement interface.

  • Preferred day/time for teachers and classes
  • Multi-teachers, multi-periods, and shared rooms
  • Joint and elective classes or “flex” periods as joint electives
  • Different start/end times and staggered lunches for grades
  • All the rules for many grades at once (saves time)

and many more.

Specify Constraints and preferences. Bell times for elementary, middle, higher or entire school 
                        just what day and time the classes should happen. Many intuitive rules to apply for lessons. 
                        Multi-period classes e.gOne math class for 10th grade is 2 periods long. Joint classes e.g., Sports 
                        for 5a, 5b and 5c happens jointly. Multiple teachers or TAs e.g, Have 2 teachers for sports or add TAs. 
                        Specify Preferred teacher(s) or TAs for classes and preferred class days and periods

Why timetable should be OPTIMAL?

For a given set of schedule requirements, there can be many different options for the timetable. But only few are truely best. We use advanced math models to get the certified best!

  • Automatic best teacher selection and fair teaching load
  • Prioritized for teacher's time preference and substitution
  • Automatic infeasible rule detection and suggestions
  • Master and individual timetables with optimal score

and several scheduling rules are automatically satisfied saving you time.

Advanced Rules. If you are using ascTimetables, primetimetable, or edutimer you can easily see why 
                             SchoolPivot Scheduler is so much more advanced and powerful. SchoolPivot timetable app can handle 
                             most of your needs to create timetables using a power math engine running advanced mathematical 
                             programs in the cloud. We search millions of possible timetable options and find the best one for 
                             your needs. Timetable rules for section, grade, or school are extremely powerful as you can apply 
                             constraints and preferences much faster. School of any size can be handled thanks to our scalable 
                             cloud computing. Best teacher selection is done automatically which you can override if needed. 
                             We use advanced mathematical optimization so you can trust that you are getting the best timetable. 
                             We do fast error checking that makes the overall process faster and fun. Create different scenarios 
                             and choose the best timetable

Change requirements and schedules in minutes

If time and support remain constant in schools, learning will always be the variable (DuFour, DuFour, Eaker Many, 2006, p. 78).

Our scheduler can help you manage timetable changes in fast and intuitive fashion.

  • Staff changes and subject/electives changes are handled easily
  • Copy schedule and edit timetable rules in minutes
  • Compare timetables using smart analytics
  • Share timetables with just a link or export to Excel
Collaborate and Compare Scenarios. If you are using ascTimetables, primetimetable, or edutimer you can easily see 
                          why SchoolPivot is so much easier to use and powerful. SchoolPivot timetable app can handle most of your needs to 
                          create timetables via an easy to use intuitive interface and workflow

Collaborate anytime anywhere

Our cloud based app allows you to start alone, add colleagues, manage different roles. Do it all by yourself.

  • Access using just an internet browser
  • Multiple administrators can collaborate together
  • Manage your license right from the app
  • Use in-app help, videos, and expert customer service
Collaborate anytime anywhere. If you are using ascTimetables, primetimetable, or edutimer you can easily see why 
                          SchoolPivot Scheduler  is so much easier to start using. SchoolPivot timetable app can be used within minutes! It offers 
                          Free trials and multi-user options. It lets you have multiple course administrators, reviewers to make it work faster. 
                          You can have multiple schools if you manage multiple schools from one account. We have a flexible pricing scheme so we 
                          can help small and big schools alike. This is a modern cloud-based software that can help us serve millions of users 
                          simultaneously, no Software installation needed. Easily share timetable with students and parents and get online support

Intuitive Flexible Workflow

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From Our Customers...


Vikash Sharma,Trustee at Rise High School, Aurangabad.

We cut down our time from 2+ days to under 2 hours for our complex scheduling needs using SchoolPivot scheduler. I was ... always frustrated when putting together the timetable for our school. Now I enjoy making schedules while trying different criteria for timetables. The app generates such tight timetable that I am never able to improve it. Thanks!